Hello World, again.

What do you do after ten years? You post a new post, that’s what! Similar to yelling in the dark, this content will likely not be seen by many (or any). Still, I will post anyway because I may as well. More information to come, or not. Time will tell.

grep useful commands

I wrote down some useful grep command line flags on a post-it like note which I keep loosing.  Unlike my earlier post for grep, this one will list everything I found as potential command flags including some not so useful stuff.  So, in short, not sure how useful this post will be but it will…

Putty and Cygwin

Previously mentioned programs on this site include Putty (a SSH client) and Cygwin (a “run Unix inside Windows” port of Unix utilities).  However, when using a remote Unix system you use Putty and have a very nice interface and when using Cygwin, you get the Windows Command Shell which is a terrible alternative.  However, there…

A quick Java tip

May sound kinda silly but I was being temporarily stupid and not remembering how to run a Java program from command line when it relied on several jars to bring in all the necessary code. java -cp first.jar:second.jar:third.jar TheMethodYouWantToCall That’s how to do it.  Thus, if I forget again, I can look this up and…

Some more grep stuff

The grep command is a command used in Unix like systems to search.  When paired with the cat command, you can search a text file for any text string.  However, you might have to do a few things to find exactly what you are looking for….

Teamspeak 3 LUA move script

Are you an SA on a Teamspeak 3 server wanting to move folks from one channel to another?  Yes?  Well, read onwards!…

Javascript “Tricks”

So, some Javascript can be punched into the address bar to do some interesting stuff.  Well, I found one which allowed you to rotate webpages to flip them, tilt them, and alike, as long as you have Firefox as your main browser.  The code for that is below, you just put that in your address…

Installing FreeBSD tips

So, do you want to install the current FreeBSD (version 8.0 as of this post)?  You might run into a problem. create/simlink failed, no inodes free How to fix it and how to get “sudo” like powers are explained after the jump….

Cygwin and Clear command

When you SSH into a Unix system, you can dump a lot of text to the screen and invoke the clear command to clear the screen.  Of course, I was surprised when this didn’t work with Cygwin, but I found a solution….

Some flie splitting

So, you have a large file… now what?  Well, I did say a few things you can do to find specific things, but what if you want lines around the specific stuff you found……